Information updated January 2025
WHAT’S IN HI-C ORANGE LAVABURST AT McDONALD’S? The large size has 80 grams of Added Sugar and — aside from the Water — all of the ingredients are Not In Kitchen™ >> we would never use any of these ingredients at home to make a beverage, including the five which are banned at Whole Foods. (Source for Coca-Cola Hi-C Lavaburst ingredients: McDonald’s Web site 1/25; Source for banned ingredients: Amazon Whole Foods Web site 1/25)
At McDonald’s, Hi-C Orange Lavaburst contains more sugar than Coca-Cola.
For perspective, a Large size Coca-Cola at McDonald’s has 77 grams of Added Sugar.
THE Hi-C ORANGE LAVABURST AT McDONALD’S IS NOT THE SAME AS THE Hi-C ORANGE LAVABURST IN A JUICE BOX. They are both Far From Homemade, but the Hi-C Orange Lavaburst at McDonald’s (below right) has no real juice, contains 2 Artificial Colors and has 5 ingredients banned at Whole Foods. (Sources: U.S. Coca-Cola Web site 1/25; McDonald’s Web site 1/25)
The Hi-C at McDonald’s is significantly higher in Added Sugar >> the 6oz. Hi-C juice box contains 8 grams of Added Sugar and a 12oz. Extra Small Hi-C at McDonald’s contains 29 grams of Added Sugar.
Here are some real fruit juices with no added Water, Flavors, Colors, Sugar or Chemical Preservatives:
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