Information updated April 2024
ONCE UPON A TIME: Here’s what Wheat Thins looked like decades ago when it was created and owned solely by the National Biscuit Company >> that’s what Nabisco stands for >> the first (couple of) letters of each word combined. You can see the little NBC etched into the front of each cracker on the historical package front below.
MONDELEZ’S WHEAT THINS CONTAIN THREE ADDED SWEETENERS: Sugar, Malt Syrup from Corn and Barley, and Refiner’s Syrup. Based on U.S. Department of Agriculture data, GMO Sugar Beets are 99% of total U.S. Sugar Beet acreage and Corn is at 92%. (Source: USDA 2024)
WHEAT CRACKER COMPARISON: Here’s a comparison of Wheat Thins to Non-GMO Project Verified Back to Nature Crispy Wheat Crackers. (Source: Barilla Back to Nature Web site 2/25)
BACK TO NATURE CRISPY WHEAT CRACKERS HAVE SLIGHTLY LESS SUGAR THAN NABISCO WHEAT THINS: Back to Nature uses Cane Sugar as one of its sweeteners along with Brown Rice Syrup.
One serving (30 grams) of Back to Nature Crispy Wheat Crackers contains 3 grams of Added Sugars while one serving (31 grams) of Wheat Thins contains 4 grams of Added Sugars.
WHEAT CRACKER COMPARISON: Let's compare Mondelez's Nabisco Wheat Thins to Amazon-owned Whole Foods 365 Organic Wheat Square Crackers. (Source: Amazon Whole Foods Web site 4/24)
Both crackers contain 2-3 added Sweeteners.
WHOLE FOODS CRACKERS CONTAIN ADDED SWEETENERS BUT ARE LOWER IN SUGAR THAN WHEAT THINS: The Whole Foods 365 Organic Wheat Square Crackers contain 2 grams of Added Sugars per serving vs. 4 grams of Added Sugars per serving for Wheat Thins.
CLOSEST TO HOMEMADE CRACKERS: Below are some Closest To Homemade Crackers with no Added Sugar, Sweeteners, MSG, Chemical Preservatives, Soy, Cottonseed, Canola, Flavors or Colors. (Sources: Brands Web sites 4/24)
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And here’s a look at some old print ads for Nabisco’s Wheat Thins: